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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Twist out attempt!

From this
To this!

So I haven't had a chance to mention this yet but obviously, or maybe not so obviously, I'm a natural girl. A recent natural girl for that matter. For those of you that don't know what that means 'natural' or 'going natural' is when a girl doesn't use chemical straighteners on her hair, aka perms or relaxers. It's something that's becoming more and more prevalent in the black community because a lot of girls don't know what thier natural hair texture is or what our hair texture is like. I sure as heck didn't. Because you see, my hair use to be like this:
And I miss it, but I like my new do. There's a bunch more I can say about the topic buuuut that's not what this post is about. This post is about my twist out attempt!

I attempted to do a twist out on my hair, and it's the first thing I've actually tried to do with my hair since I chopped it all off a week ago [maybe I should post that video...]. It took about an hour to twist my whole head and I let it dry over night and then some. All I used was my leave in conditioner [Giovanni Direct Leave in], an oil mixture, Ms.Jessie's Curly Meringue, and some Lotta Body. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I like it! It's a little on the frizzy side, but its still cute. Some of the curls are super defined while others could use a little work, but over all it's definitely wearable. I think I'm going to try a different styling gel next time to see if I can get the curls to come out a littttle better. But if not, then it won't kill me to rock this.


  1. I like your previous hair style but LOVE your current hairstyle! Very chic!

    1. Thank you. <3 Im loving it because its easy. I can get it wet easily, wash and go, don't have to worry to much about styling. It's great! I kinda wished I had chopped earlier.
